


我的肌肤缺水了吗? 现在的人都很重视自己的脸部肌肤, 暗苍、老化、下垂、皱纹、黑眼圈、皮肤干燥缺水等,大家都想远离这些问,希望能让自己的皮肤光滑靓丽水嫩嫩的。 皮肤缺水可说是最普遍也最容易发生在每个人身上,而皮肤一旦缺水就容易产生许多的皮肤问题。但是很多人都不知...


请问你多久没好好爱自己了? 你多久没好好照镜子了呢? 忙着载送孩子? 忙着煮饭? 忙着工作? 看看镜子前的你? 是否眼袋、黑眼圈呢? 是否肌肤缺水? 是否有皱纹、细纹、皮肤下垂? 是否皮肤暗黄谈无光泽? 即使用了很好的化妆品,可是整个人上妆后的样子也是灰灰的? 再没时间也请你好好爱自己! 别让自己成为别人口中的”黄脸婆”

Aging and Showing Yourself More Love

Aging is a perfectly normal part of life. As the years go by, visible lines will appear, and our face will lose some of its youthfulness and become thinner and drier. Though how and when these effects happen to us is largely based on genetic factors, there are still things we can do …

Is CoolSculpting® Safe?

Though first cleared by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2010, some people still ask themselves, “is CoolSculpting safe?” While the simple answer is “yes,” there’s a lot of scientific research to explain exactly what makes the CoolSculpting® treatment safe.

What is Collagen?

Collagen is a structural protein present throughout the body, including the skin, organs, and bone. Collagen exists as many different types, depending on where in the body it is found, design to support a specific function.


为能穿上性感的婚纱,展现光滑的身体肌肤,准新娘都会特别注重身体肌肤的保养与护理。EE Clinic 为准新娘推荐 Dermalinfusion Silk Peel 去角质护理。