Steroid Injection
What is steroid injection?
Steroid injections are a treatment applied locally to scar tissues or other skin blemishes to improve their appearances.

How does steroid injection work?
A type of steroid called corticosteroid solution may be injected into scar tissues or bumpy skin blemishes to reduce its size and appearance.
Steroids break the bonds between collagen fibers and have anti-inflammatory properties, which helps to reduce the amount of scar tissues beneath your skin. This same anti-inflammatory property can also help to dissipate milia, while its collagen breaking properties can break down the tissues in cases of xanthelasma, moles, warts and the like.
Benefits of steroid injection
- Anti-inflammatory
- Reduce acne
- Improve scarring appearance
- Long term results
- Non-surgical
- Non-invasive
Frequently Asked Question
There are little to no side effects for steroid injections.
You may have some redness and mid swelling or bleeding at the injection site, which will resolve itself in some time.
The steroid injection treatment lasts between 10-15 minutes depending on the number of target areas. It’s advised to wait 6 weeks before you proceed with a steroid injection in the same spot. There is no fixed frequency as steroid injections are not recommended as part of a routine treatment.