Rejuvenation Cell Therapy
What is Rejuvenation Cell Therapy?
Cells are produced in our bone marrow even as we age, although the production rate may lower as we age. Rejuvenation cell therapy makes use of stem cells to repair our body as part of regenerative therapy.

How does Rejuvenation Cell Therapy work?
Cells can be considered as the raw materials in your body, which can diversify into different types of cells on your body, whether it’s your skin cell, hair follicles, muscle cells or any other types of tissues.
Cells can be sourced from umbilical cords, cord blood, fats etc., and is later processed in the lab to be reintroduced back to your body to help with healing or rejuvenation. Due to cells having come from your own body, there is minimal risk for adverse reactions.
Benefits of Cell Therapy
- Non-invasive
- No side effects
- No adverse reactions
- Replace damaged cells
- Rejuvenated skin
- More youthful appearance
- Wellness and anti-aging
Frequently Asked Question
There are little to no side effects for stem cell therapy.
You may have minor bruising and swelling at the injection site after rejuvenation cell therapy, but this will fade away in a day or two.
Rejuvenation cell therapy takes about 1 hour to complete. Clients can choose to repeat the procedure yearly or as needed.
Rejuvenation Cell Therapy is also used for…
- Wrinkles & Lines
- Face/Neck Lifting
- Acne & Scars
- Hair Loss
- Skin Rejuvenation
- Skin Diseases
- Joint Problems